Agape Christian Ministries empowers women through skilling and informal training

The ministry highly understands the value of empowering women and girls as a fundamental goal in shaping our world’s future. Guided by our Christian faith, we’ve taken a leading role in championing gender equality for decades.

Our dedication to this cause is deeply ingrained in our work because we believe that when women and girls are granted equal access and opportunities, it positively impacts everyone involved. The ministry has therefore empowered women and girls through skilling activities such as tailoring, hair dressing, crocheting, liquid soap making among others.

Products from skills training are then sold and used to support the women and girls with  in their communities. This has promoted informal survival mechanisms for many women and girls living within the ministry’s scope of service.

Women and girls undergoing  (L) Hair dressing training and (R) tailoring skilling classes

Women and girls undergoing (L) Hair dressing training and (R) tailoring skilling classes

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